Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night

Last december, in D.C., a bill was passed allowing gay partners to get married in an equal, constitutional way. This is really a huge step forward as the only others states that recognize a homosexual union Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont.

I'm not a supporter of marriage in the slightest (for any sexual orientation), but I'm a supporter of freedom and equal rights for everyone.

The whole marriage constitution, as a religious one, is nothing more than insulting to me, and at a lot of times, in the eyes of the church, it is demeaning to what it means to be in love and how women should behave. However, marriage under the control of the government has its benefits, like family health coverage, income tax reductions or the rights to SSI.

The issue with the current same-sex marriage now (as it probably has been for any other open-minded state), especially for the first couples indulging in the new law, is privacy.

For some, marriage is really meaningful and big step in their lives, but you can bet your ass they're will be protester surrounding the Supreme Court, only to make such a "special day" for same-sex couples slightly less enjoyable than it should be (I mean, it is MARRIAGE after all).

Though its refreshing to say people are slowing on leveled ground, D.C. should definitely be more wary during these first months to make sure that these people are getting the rights they deserve without having to deal with a bunch of tea party jerks who could be spending their goddamn time doing something fruitful, like volunteering, or not talking at all.


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